There are so many things in this world I don’t know, but quite a few I do.

I know growing up is terribly harder than we’ve expected. I know we should believe in ourselves and follow our dreams. I know overthinking never makes things better, but we do it constantly anyway. I know time passes and life moves faster as we get older. I know we cannot change our past, and the choices we’ve made are exactly what we wanted. I know that life is full of surprises, and not all of them are pretty. I know people leave and hearts get broken.. and it hurts. But time heals all.

We all are a little broken, after all. And that’s totally ok. Broken isn’t bad.

“We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That's what connects us - that we're all broken, all beautifully imperfect.”

by Emilio Estevez

My background

I’m a 30-year-old artist and graphic designer currently residing in Croatia. I have been working under the pseudonym Broken isn’t bad as of January 2016.

Two years after graduating from the Faculty of Graphic Arts I decided to quit my 9-5 day job in order to focus on art full-time and establish my creative business.

My style

My work is characterised by minimal black and white line-based drawings combining geometric and nature-related elements, mostly influenced by monochromatic tattoo art.

Until recently my artworks were made traditionally – with pens on paper, but since I bought an iPad Pro and Apple pencil I prefer making vector art.

My inspiration

Inspiration for my work is fed by my own feelings and emotional situations, although not all my work is influenced by my current life. Quotes from literature and poetry are also a great source of inspiration and reference.

Spirituality and astrology have been a huge motivation in the past year, especially since I started working on my own tarot deck.

My goal

Through my work, I aim to express a sense of vulnerability and intimacy. I hope to inspire and encourage others to change opinion about themselves, to find that invincible power which connects them with their inner self, to cherish and accept all their beautiful imperfections and create a positive relationship with themselves.



Broken isn’t bad – The world within